Everywhere and All Around - Original Oil Painting
Everywhere and All Around - Original Oil Painting
36x48”, Oil on Canvas, 2022 - First Place winner of the 2022 6th Annual Art of Darkness Show - HeARTspot Gallery
This painting is very special to me and arguably one of the most impactful - in person - of my current selection of works. When I look at this painting I am left with more questions than answers. “Are the masked creatures protectors, inner demons, or a combination of the two?” “Are they feeding her the light or draining her of it?” “Is she curious or afraid?”
The thing I find most fascinating when I look at this painting in person is that because it is so large, as we look at it we are often looking down at the girl from the same angle as the masked creatures. This makes me think that maybe how we feel about the girl, how we understand her, tells us about who the masked creatures really are…. and then maybe that tells us something about who we think we are.
There are so many ways to interpret this painting and i have heard the most incredible stories by people viewing it at various shows. Thank you to the future owner of this painting for giving something so special a home.